公司经过近几年的发展已成为全国的矿沙机械,挖沙机械、清淤机械、淘金机械生产基地。公司有工程技术人员多名,CAD图纸设计中心、新产品研发设计中心,始终以高标准、高要求的产品回报客户。 抽沙船是一种抽取河道泥沙的设备,抽沙管道是输出泥沙用的管道,抽沙管道的长短与输出距离的远近有关系,抽沙管道材质也不一样,在抽沙行业早些年间,一般都用铁管作为抽沙管道,近年来我公司生产的抽沙船都是采用聚乙烯管道,这种管道耐磨耐腐蚀,而且重量轻,许多抽沙船厂家都已经采用,这也是抽沙管道发展的趋势,未来抽沙管道都向着轻量化、耐腐蚀方向发展。
Company after recent years of development has become the ore sand machinery, mechanical dredging, dredging machinery, gold machinery production base. The company has a number of engineering and technical personnel, CAD drawing design center, new product development and design center, always with high standards, high requirements of the product return customers. Suction dredger is a river sediment in the extraction equipment, sand pumping pipeline is sediment output pipeline, pumping sand pipe length and output distance far and near, pumping sand pipe materials are not the same, during the early years of the sand industry pumping, generally with a pipe as sand pumping pipeline, in recent years, my company production of pumping sand are adopted by a polyethylene pipe, the pipe resistance, abrasion resistance, corrosion resistance and light weight, many pumping sand manufacturers have adopted, it is pumping sand pipeline development trend, future pumping sand pipe are toward lightweight, resistant corrosion development direction. |