抽沙船也可叫作抽沙平台,是指利用水力的作用,将高压水枪喷射出的水柱冲起的淤泥(或细沙、海沙等)在水泵的作用下有管道输送到目的地 抽沙船设计新颖,操作简便,效率高,适用于河道疏浚、湖泊水库清淤、围海造田、港口码头清理、抽砂等。该设备由船体、输送系统、进水系统、排空系统等组成,输送系统包括动力、离合器、泥浆泵等,排空系统包括高压水泵、抽真空装置等。
Suction dredger can also be called pumping sand platform, is refers to the use of hydraulic, high-pressure water jet out of the water column red mud (or sand, sand, etc.) under the action of the water pump is piped to the destination
抽沙船也可叫作抽沙平台,是指利用水力的作用,将高压水枪喷射出的水柱冲起的淤泥(或细沙、海沙等)在水泵的作用下有管道输送到目的地 抽沙船设计新颖,操作简便,效率高,适用于河道疏浚、湖泊水库清淤、围海造田、港口码头清理、抽砂等。该设备由船体、输送系统、进水系统、排空系统等组成,输送系统包括动力、离合器、泥浆泵等,排空系统包括高压水泵、抽真空装置等。
Suction dredger can also be called pumping sand platform, is refers to the use of hydraulic, high-pressure water jet out of the water column red mud (or sand, sand, etc.) under the action of the water pump is piped to the destination pumping sand has the advantages of novel design, simple operation, high efficiency for in river channel dredging, lake and reservoir dredging, Wai Hoi Zaotian, port and dock cleaning, sand pumping etc.. The equipment consists of the hull, conveying system, water system, emptying system components, including the power delivery system, clutch, mud pump, emptying system comprises a high-pressure water pump, vacuum pumping device etc..
青州冠诚重工机械有限公司专业生产钻探抽沙船,价格优惠,诚信交易,欢迎来电咨询或来公司实地考察。 |